Beneficiaries of Common Agricultural Support

The Danish Agricultural Agency is obliged to publish information about subsidies paid to beneficiaries under the Common Agricultural Policy.

Here you can find information about subsidies paid to beneficiaries under the Common Agricultural Policy in the period 16 October 2021 – 15 October 2023. The database is updated every year by the end of May.

Access the database: Subsidies paid to beneficiaries under the Common Agricultural Policy

Searching in the database

Each line represents a payment. The amounts are in Danish kroner or Euros and show the EU-financed and the national support that the beneficiary has received, and the total sum of the two.

"Measure/Type of intervention" shows the name of the measure. 

You search the database by filling in one or more of the fields and by clicking the "Search" button. It is possible to download your search result as an Excel file.

Please note that if you extract CVR numbers from database to use them later for direct marketing, it is your responsibility to comply with all the rules of the Danish CVR Act, including § 19, subsection 2, on the prohibition of direct marketing by private legal entities to companies that have registered advertising protection in the CVR.

Information being published

The Danish Agency for Agriculture is obliged to publish the following information:

  • The name of the beneficiary or, if applicable, the company name
  • If the beneficiary is belonging to a group, the name of the parent entity and VAT or Tax identification number. (However, this only applies to the financial year 2023)
  • Municipality
  • Measures for which the beneficiary has been paid for.
  • The size of the payments. These are divided into national aid and EU aid.
  • The total sum that the beneficiary has received within a given payment period. 

Member countries may choose to publish additional information, and the Danish Agency for Agriculture also publishes the following information about beneficiaries for the sake of transparency:

  • CVR number (if the support is applied for under a CVR number)
  • Zip code
  • Region (Administrative unit in Denmark). 

Information not being published

A number of information is not published as a result of provisions in the data protection legislation or in special EU regulations in the area:

  • Beneficiaries' CVR numbers are published, whereas CPR numbers (a unique identification number for all citizens in Denmark) are not published. Here the name is replaced with [Anonymous] followed by a number if the person concerned has received less than € 1,250 in the payment period in question.
  • The published amounts are adjusted for recoveries due to irregularities or fraud, but recoveries are not published.


Finance - The Payment Team
Phone: 33 95 80 00