Purchase and sale of fertilisers with ammonium nitrate

Find guides on how to import ammonium nitrate as well as forms in case of high strenght of the product.

If you want to use fertiliser that contains more than 16% nitrogen from ammonium nitrate, you must be registered with the Danish Agency for Agriculture.

This applies both if you want to buy or sell fertiliser with ammonium nitrate.

If you import fertiliser with more than 28% ammonium nitrate, you must also be aware that each and every import must be reported to the Danish Agency for Agriculture before arrival and that a detonation certificate must be attached in accordance with the applicable fertiliser regulation.

In the sections below, you can read more about the rules for fertilisers with more than 16 and 28% ammonium nitrate.

You can also read more about and see an overview of who is allowed to buy and sell fertilisers with ammonium nitrate in Denmark in the following fact sheet about fertilisers with ammonium nitrate.

If you want to sell fertiliser that contains more than 16% nitrogen from ammonium nitrate, your company must be registered with the Danish Agency for Agriculture and the fertiliser must be registered for sale before the product can be sold, just like for all other fertiliser products and soil improvers, etc. You can read more about product registration on the page.

Fertiliser containing ammonium nitrate has in many cases been used to make bombs in connection with terrorism.

In 2008, the EU therefore adopted rules that limit access to buying fertilisers with more than 16% nitrogen from ammonium nitrate.

The fertiliser may only be sold to companies that use it in connection with their business, i.e. agriculture, horticulture, golf courses and more. The companies must also be registered with the authorities, in Denmark this means with the Danish Agency for Agriculture.

You must be aware that it is ilegal to sell fertiliser that contains more than 16% nitrogen from ammonium nitrate to private individuals and companies that are not registered in an eligible register.

Companies registered in the following registers are entitled to purchase ammonium nitrate. 

  • Register for Fertiliser (Gødningsregnskab in Danish)
  • The register for supplies (Leverandørregisteret in Danish).

Please note that it is the seller's responsibility that only fertilisers with ammonium nitrate above 16% are sold. to eligible purchasers.

Fertiliser with more than 28% nitrogen from ammonium nitrate must be notified to the Danish Agency for Agriculture as fertiliser with a high content of ammonium nitrate no later than 5 days before arrival in the country.

In the import notification to the Danish Agency for Agriculture, you must complete the form and detonation test as well as documentation that the test applies to the imported lots of fertilisers.

The import notification (in Danish)

Note that the form contains fields that can be typed in, and that it is therefore not necessary to print and scan the form.

The import notification must be sent to jordbrugskontrol@lbst.dk


Area Control
Phone: 33 95 80 00
E-mail: jordbrugskontrol@lbst.dk