Organic Produce - International Trade

Read about international trade with organic products within and outside the EU.

For questions about:

  • trade with organic products within the EU
  • the organic seed database
  • legislation concerning Organic Farming
  • labelling

please feel free to contact Administrative Area Control, e-mail: , Tel.: +45 3395 8000

Countries outside the EU

Only organic products that can be marketed in Denmark as such can be sold or exported from Denmark to other countries. It is, for instance, not possible to produce organic products in Denmark only according to US organic legislation and then export such products as organic to the United States.

Both EU legislation and Danish legislation has to be complied with for products to be exported or sold to other countries as organic products.

For questions about trade with organic products with countries outside the EU (third countries) or GMO's please feel free to contact Administrative Area Control, e-mail: , Tel: + 45 3395 8000


Area Control
Phone: 33 95 80 00